System Administrator Screens
60 311427D
Lube charge is based on a cost and sale price per unit
of fluid within the interface. The interface translates the
fluid dispense to a lube charge on the RO based on the
actual dispense amount. The dispense amount used to
determine the lube charge is based on the actual dis-
pense amount or by rounding up or down to the desired
precision (i.e., whole number, tenths, or hundredths).
Unit Pricing - Service (F
IG. 111):
Unit Cost and Sale refers to cost, sale price, and
accounting units for this fluid.
Adjusted volume provides the option for no adjust-
ment, always round up, or always round down the oil dis-
pense amount. The dispense volume can be adjusted to
the next whole number (X.0), to tenths (X.X) or to hun-
dredths (X.XX).
Charge type can be identified as Lube, Sublet, or Mis-
cellaneous. In Matrix, charge type is usually Lube.
Default labor type is the labor type most frequently
used with this fluid.
Charge description is a field that will appear on all ROs
using this fluid. The actual dispense amount and fluid
name will automatically be appended to any other
description you provide in this space.
Enable Menu Pricing is a yes or no answer. If no, the
normal pricing on this page will apply to the repair order.
If yes, menu pricing will apply after selecting Configure
Typical Unit Pricing Scenarios in Service:
Unit Pricing Scenario #1 (F
IG. 112):
For every dispense of this fluid, regardless of quantity,
Matrix will apply a lube charge of $1 per quart cost and
$2 per quart sale price, based on the exact amount dis-
pensed. The labor type of the lube charge will be CP1
and the charge description will include the exact amount
dispensed, along with the name of the fluid (eg. 4.56
Quarts 5W-30).
Unit Pricing Scenario #2 (F
IG. 113):
Same as scenario #1, except that the amount charged
for will be the actual dispense amount round up to the
nearest tenth.
Menu Pricing
• Menu pricing allows the dealer to charge a flat rate
for dispenses that fall in specified volume ranges
and timing constraints.
IG. 111 Unit Pricing Example - Service
FIG. 112
IG. 113