fast forwardingatape
Press the FF button on the remote control or on the front panel.
If the tape is stopped, you will begin fast fi)rwarding. If the tape is
playing, you will begin "forward speed sea:rch', with picture.
pausinga tape
Press the PAUSE button on the remote cont::ol or on the front
panel to freeze the picture on the screen.
If you leave the VCR in pause for more than 5 minutes, the VCR
will automatically stop to prevent damage tc the tape.
If the picture vibrates during still frame, press the CHANNEL
buttons on the front panel until the picture is steady.
€ Selectingthe On-screenLanguage
You can set your VCR to display on-screen messages, menus, and
functions in English or Spanish. You will do this the first time
you use the menus or set any audio/video functions.
Before you begin, you need to know:
• how to view the picture coming from your VCR. (See page 22.)
Selec_ Language
,_:_--AD3UST _o selec¢
"_-----MENU _o 9o back
® _--ENTER to enCer
Make sure you are viewing the picture, coming from your
VCR. Then, press the MENU button on 1;he remote control. If
this is the first time the menus have been used, you will see
the menu for selecting an on-screen language.
Press the ADJUST buttons on the remote control to highlight
the desired language. The ADJUST + button moves upward;
the ADJUST - button moves downward.
Press the ENTER button on the remote control. The menu
will change to the "VCR Main Menu".
0 Press the MENU button to exit the menus.
DImportant: The "Select Language" menu is unique. While all other menus can
be accessed at almost any time, the "Select I,anguage" menu will
not automatically appear again after it is first set. To see the
"Select Language" menu, press the TIMER RESET button on the
back of the VCR, then follow the procedure _:,nthis page.