3e fingRtoKnowYour VCR
Now that you have unpacked your player and read through the
safety information, it's time to become familiar with the buttons
and controls.
If you are experienced with using VCRs, you may just want to
glance at this section and refer to it later. IfVCRs are new to you,
you may want to take your time and become Familiar with the
locations of all the controls.
On the following pages, you'll find information on:
0 FrontPanelButtonsand Functions
0 FluorescentDisplay
0 Overviewof the RemoteControl
Rear PanelTerminals
1 2 3
7 8 9 0
45 6
12 13 14
power button (POWER)
Press this button to turn the VCR on or
off. You must turn the VCR off after you
have programmed it to record.
eject button (EJECT)
Press this button to eject the cassette.
cassette slot
This is where you insert the video cas-
rewind and reverse search button
Press to rewind a tape or to reverse
search. You can also ase this button to
control the playback _peed of a tape.
play and stop button (PLAY/STOP)
Press this button to play a tape and press
again to stop the tape. Also press to stop
tape related functions or to resume normal
playback from special effects.