Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR UsingtheMenustoProgramtheVCRtoRec:eiveTV Channels(cont.)
OAuto power save (OFF)
RF converter (ON )
Perle(Tape (AUTO)
_AD3UST!_6_eIe_ _
_-----MENU to so back
® _ENTER _o chanse
Your choices are:
_Prosram to record
_Customize choices
|1 ;_ II d_---]/_ II I_ II i1[:!1_7[_ _E]iJ
Your choices are:
Se% %he clock
_Memorize channels
_-----MENU %o so back
® e-ENTER _o-eh%er
Add/delete channela
Channel 39
Not in memory
_--AD3UST'_6 s_l_c% _
e-----MENU _o so back
® _-ENTER _o add
....... CANCEL _o, dele_e
The "Customize choices" menu appears o_ your screen. Use
the ADJUST buttons to select "Video mute."
Press the ENTER button to set video mute to ON or OFF.
Press the MENU button once to return to the "VCR Main
Menu;" press the MENU button a second time to turn off the
Addingand deletingchannels
If necessary, you can manually add or delete channels after you
have completed the automatic channel pr%_amming.
• to view the picture coming from your ¥CR; (see page 22)
• to use the menus. (See page 26.)
0 Make sure that video mu_:e is ON. (See page 27.)
Set the VCR's input to tuner. To do this, !?ress the INPUT
button on the remote control until a channel number appears
on the screen or on the front panel fluore;_cent display.
O Press the MENU button on the remote cc,ntrol. The '_i'CR
Main Menu" appears on your TV.
Press the ADJUST buttons on the remote control to select
"First Time Set-Up". Press the ENTER, b atton.
You will see the "First Time Set-Up" mer_u. Press the AD-
JUST buttons to select "Add/delete channels". Press the
ENTER button.
If you are recording, playing back a tape, or receiving a video
signal from an external input, then the words "Not available" will
flash and you will see an error message. To correct this, stop the
tape or switch the VCR's input to tuner.
O You will see the screen for adding or deleting channels. Use
the ADJUST buttons to select the chann _1that you want to
add or delete. Press the ENTER button to add the channel or
press the CANCEL button to delete it.
When you are finished adding or delet:inl; channels, press the
MENU button once to return to the "Fir_t Time Set-Up"
menu; press the MENU button a second time to return to the
"VCR Main Menu"; press the MENU button a third time to
turn off the menu.
If you use automatic programming again, you will lose all[ of the
manual changes you made. All of the channels you deleted will be
added; all of the channels you added will be deleted.