Chapter3: OperatingYourVCR Recording(cont.)
"_VCR_MaIn_Menu _ !_J:)
Your choices are:
_Customize choices
Firsz Time Sez-Up
'q[@)_ AD3"US.T _ SeZectl;j;
_NENU 1;o so back
® _ENTER 1;o enter
O Set the VCR's input to tuner. If"L1" or "L2" appears; instead
of a channel number, press the INPUT button on the remote
until the channel number shows on-screen or on the front
panel display.
O Select the channel you would like to rec'ord by using the
CHANNEL button on the remote control or on the front
panel. (If you are using a cable box, select channel 3 or 4 on
the VCR, and change the channel on the cable box, not on the
VCR. Additionally, if you are using an A/B switch, remember
to set the switch to the correct position.)
Press the record button (REC) on the r_mote control or the
record button (REC/OTR) on the front panel of the VCR.
Recording will sta_. When you reach the end of the tape, the
VCR will automatically rewind. You can ,stop recording at any
time by pressing the PLAY/STOP or PAUSE button. To resume
recording from STOP, press the REC or REC/OTR button. To
resume recording from PAUSE, press the PAUSE button. (You
cannot use the REC/OTR button to resume recording from
If you pause the VCR for more than five minutes, recording will
stop automatically to protect the tape. If you record in extended
play (EP), you will only be able to play the l:ape on a VCR
equipped for EP play, such as this one.
If you attempt to record on a tape that has had its erasure pre-
vention tab removed, the VCR will eject the tape.
ProgrammingyourVCRto record
You can program your VCR to record witTh the help of Mitsubishi's
on-screen operating system. You can schedule up to eight record-
ing "events" within a one month period.
Beforeyou begin,youmust:
• know how to view the picture comin_; from your VCR; (see
page 22) and
• have set the clock. (See page 29.)
To program your VCR to record:
O Load a tape with its erasure tab intact :[nto the VCR. If you
have not yet rec.orded on this tape, the VCR will test the tape
with the PerfecTape ®feature. (For more information on this
feature, please see page 49.)
Press the MENU button on the remote control. The "VCR
Main Menu" appears on your screen. Use the ADJUST
buttons on the remote control to select "Program to record."
Press the ENTER button.