Chapter3:OperatingYourVCR Recording(cont.)
QDay - -
O°Start time
S%op _ime
Record speed AUTO
_O--AD3UST %o select
_----MENU _o so back
® _-ENTER %0 enter
_l_Prosram to'@_cora _"
2 MOlT ll:30a I:30pSP
10 TH20 9:00pIO:OOpEP
7 E-HE 8:00a 9:00aEP
29 FR21 5:30p S:4SPEP
8 TU2S ll:OOP 0:30aSP
33 M-F q:OOp 7:ISpEPI
I5 SA 6 8:00p 9:00PEP
46 SU23 7:00a 9:00aSP
If you make a mistake when using One Key Program:
O Press the FF or REW buttons on the front panel to select the
setting you wish to change. Pressing the FF button will move
you forward, while press:ing the REW button will move you
backward. If you wish to use the remote control, you can use
ENTER to move forward or CANCEL to move backward.
Once you have chosen a ,;etting, you can change it by using
the PLAY/STOP button on the front panel or the ADJTJST
buttons on the remote control.
0 Once you have corrected the setting, pre_s the FF button or
press the ENTER button to resume your place.
If you press CANCEL or REW while the chaanel number is
flashing, you will cancel the ,entire program. If you want to stop
using One Key Programming before completing the programming,
press the MENU button on the remote control.
UsingQuick Program
Quick Program is an exclusive Mitsubishi feature that simplifies
the process of programming your VCR to record. When you press
the QUICK PROGRAM button on the remot_ control, you, will
immediately see the "Program to record" me au and can begin
programming right away.
You can use this feature even when the VCK is stopped, playing,
recording, fast forwarding, rewinding, or off. However, the
QUICK PROGRAM button does not functioil during One Key
To use quick program:
O Press the QUICK PROGRAM button on the remote control. If
the VCR is off, it will turn on. After tuning your TV to the
correct channel or input, you will see th_ "Program to record"
If the VCR's memory is full, you will see the recap screen
(below left) instead of the "Program to r_!cord" screen. You will
need to use the CANCEL button to erase, an entry before you
can add another one.
O Complete programming as described in "Programming your
VCR to record." When you are finished, press the QUICK
PROGRAM button again. If the VCR is _topped, it will turn
off and be ready to record your program at a later tim e. If the
VCR is playing, recording, fast forwarding or rewinding, the
menus will turn off, but the VCR power will remain on.