0 Channel _ , 2
OSzarz time
0 Stop time
0 Record speed AUTO
Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to choose the day you
would like to record (for example, Monday the seventeenth).
Then, wait for 4 seconds. The hour number of the starting
time will flash.
0 Channel 2
0 Day Monday 17 ,
,'.o_a _
0 Stop time
ORecord speed AUTO
Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button Lochoose the hour
when you wish recording to start. Then, wait for 4 seconds.
The minute numbers will begin to flash.
0 Channel 2
0 Day Nonday _7
0 Stop time
ORecord speed AUTO
Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button tochoose the minute
when you wish recording to start. Then, wait for 4 seconds.
The word "Stop time" is highlighted.
0 Channel 2
0 Day Monday 17
OStart time l_:30_m
ORecord speed
_Prosram _i_0!ireoord_!_i
0 Channel 2
Day Monday 17
Start Zime ll:_Oam
ORecord speed AUTO
Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to choose the ihour
when you wish recording to stop. Then, _ait for 4 seconds.
The minute numbers will begin to flash.
Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to choose the minute
when you wish recording r.o stop. Then, wait for 4 seconds.
The record speed will flash.
_rProsram: _o_;recOra/5_:'/ ,:!_
0 Channel 2
0 Day Monday lq
OS1:ar_ time ll:30am
0 Stop time 1 :3pPm
Press the ONE KEY PROGRAM button to set the recording
speed. After 4 seconds, the menus will turn off.
When you are finished with all programming, turn the VCR
power OFF and make sure the program:reed recording light is
lit. However, if you have a cable box, leaw_ it turned ON and
tuned to the chamml you wish to record. Additionally, if you
are using an A/B switch, remember to set the switch to the
correct position. The VCR :is ready to record what you've