
Chapter4: UsingtheAdvancedFeatures UsingtheAdvancedRecordingControls(cont.)
Your tape is rated:
[ ..... J
Averase Excellent
Your VCR is now set tO
make _he best possible
_ecordin9 on this tape;
_@>--ADJUST to select
Time gauge
REN 1 : 40 --_
Oh2OmO8s /
Tape remaining display
Tape remaining display
I.U i'l -I :l spr--]
I" III _1 _lc.
When the test is finished, the VCR will display the rating of
your tape for eight seconds. On the front panel, the "PT" light
will shine steadily, indicating that the VCR has set its inter-
nal circuitry to make the best possible recording on this tape.
using PerfecTapemanually
O Load a tape that has its erasure tab intact into the VCR.
O Find a portion of the tape that is OK to record over; t:his
feature will record over one second of your tape.
Press the AUDIO/VIDEO button on the remote control. You
will see the function menu.
Press the AUDIO!VIDEO button until the PerfecTape func-
tion appears.
Press the ADJUST + button on the remote to begin the test.
The VCR will display the testing status screen. When testing,
the VCR records for one second, then ewtluates the recording
it made. The test takes about eight seconds. During this time,
the "PT" light on the front panel will flash. To cancel the test,
press the PLAY/STOP button while the "PT" light is still
When the test is finished, the VCR will display the rating of
your tape for eight seconds. On the front panel, the "PT" light
will shine steadily, indicating that the VCR has set its inter-
nal circuitry to make the best recording on the tape. You can
quickly turn off the display by pressing 1:hePLAY/STOP
Should you wish to erase the settings, eject the tape. The
settings will also be erased if you press the TIMER RESET
button or if the VCR loses power.
After the test is finished, the PerfecTape function will not
appear unless the tape is ejected.
Displayingthe time gaugeandthe remainingtime
The time gauge is a graphic representation of your position on a
video tape. The left side of the gauge is the start (S) of the tape,
and the right side is the end (E) of the tape. For a T-120 ]length
tape, played at standard (SP) speed, each mark on the gsmge
represents about 15 minutes. The remaining time display shows
the time, in hours and minutes, left until the end of a tape.
during fast forward and rewind (from a stopped tape), during
counter zero stop, during index searches, and when rewinding for
repeat playback.