ETU400 User Guide 011603
Table 8-2 Translate Table Source Record Format
Position in
the Record
Functions (Record Fields)
1-18 FROM HEX (or special function)
19-36 TO HEX
37 Translate before or after performing control
38-39 Pad character (B=blank, N=Null, or 2-byte hex
40-41 End-of-record (EOR) action for ASCII-to-EBCDIC
42-43 End-of-file (EOF) action for ASCII-to-EBCDIC
44-80 Comment
81-96 Not used
The fields in the record are described in detail below:
From one to nine characters expressed in hexadecimal
representation. The translation program scans the input data for the FROM
HEX character. When found, it replaces the data with the TO HEX
characters, if any. Consult Appendix A for hexadecimal values for both
ASCII and EBCDIC character sets. Hexadecimal data uses the characters 0
through 9 and A through F. Examples of hexadecimal data are 01, AF, 7E,
F9, FF. The characters A through F must be in upper case.
NOTE: Only *TEXT reformatting supports the translation of the full nine-
byte (nine-character) string in the table. *DIF, *BASICS, and *TAB
reformatting programs supports only a single-byte (one-character)
translation string in the table.
The FROM HEX table size limits are listed in Table 8-3.
Table 8-3 FROM HEX Table Size Limits
Number of
Maximum Number of Table Entries
1 256 256 256 256
2 50 xxx xxx xxx
3 50 xxx xxx xxx
4 40 xxx xxx xxx
5 30 xxx xxx xxx
6 20 xxx xxx xxx
7 15 xxx xxx xxx