ETU400 User Guide 011603
QFNAME1 The name of the micro file to contain the data from the
AS/400. For additional information, see About Microcomputer
Files in Chapter 3.
MICLST The device name of the microcomputers to which the file will
be transferred.
*REQUESTER Transfers the file to the micro from which the
command is initiated. Use only with interactive transfers.
device name Transfers the file to the micro with this device
To transfer the host file to more than one micro, enter the
device name of each micro computer. (You must be authorized
to use each device you specify in the MICLST parameter. If
you can sign on to the device, then you are authorized to use
it.) Enter a plus sign (
) and press ENTER here to display
multiple prompts.
Each micro to which you transfer data must be powered on,
have emulation loaded, and have the AS/400 sign-on screen
DLTFILE Deletes the host file after it has been transferred to the
micro. *NO is the default. To delete the file, specify *YES.
The use of this parameter is dependent on the user's
authority to the host file.
SAVTYP Must be used to transfer files that were previously
transferred to the host with the *SAVE file type. The default
is *NO. Specify *YES for *SAVE file types.
STRIP For source physical file transfers only: Specifies whether
the first 12 bytes of each record are to be ignored when
reading the file. These 12 bytes contain the sequence number
and date fields for source physical files. The default is
*NO. *YES strips first 12 bytes off each record during the
file transfer.
TRANSLATE Determines whether the data is to be translated, and if so,
what type of translation is to be performed. ETU supports
four translation types:
*TEXT Translates the host file into ASCII text format.
This is the default.
*DIF Translates the host file into DIF format.
*BASICS Translates the host file into BASIC Sequential
*TAB Translates the host file into BASIC Sequential
format with tab characters as the field
*NONE Indicates that no translation of the host file is
to be performed. (Usually this is used only after
the data is translated independently with the
XLATETO command.)