ETU400 User Guide 011603
all records in the file. The other relationships
are *AND, *OR, *ANDIF, *ORIF and are used in
situations where more than one test case is
Field to be Tested Specifies the field to be tested. Use the
FRMFILE parameter for the field name.
Relational Operator The relationship between the field to be
tested and the comparison value. The operators
*EQ - Equal to
*NE - Not equal to
*GT - Greater than
*LT - Less than
*LE - Less than or equal to
*GE - Greater than or equal to
Comparison Value The value to which to compare the data in the
field. Enter numeric values for numeric fields,
alphabetic values for alphabetic fields. Enclose
alphabetic fields in single quotation marks (').
NOTE: For Saved Requests, an alphabetic Comparison Value containing
a space (e.g., 'red apple') is a special value.
ENTRYPGM The name of the program to be run before the transfer occurs.
Library name The name of the library containing the specified
entry program.
EXITPGM The name of the program to be run after the transfer occurs.
Library name The name of the library containing the specified
exit program.
DSPSTSMSG Displays program status messages during the execution of the
PWRFROM3XB command. The default is *YES. To turn the messages
off, enter *NO.