ETU400 User Guide 011603
Features of Version 5.041
ETU 400 RISC Version 5.041 represents an incremental maintenance release.
We have modified the installation procedure for this version so that an
IBM PTF does not need to be installed on the host prior to the
installation of ETU 400 RISC.
With V3R7 of OS/400, the previous release of ETU 400 RISC (5.04) required
IBM PTF SP36296 to be installed on the AS/400 prior to the installation
of the ETU RISC CD-ROM. On OS/400 V3R7, the handling of Optical Files
(OPTFILE) on the Restore Object (RSTOBJ) OS/400 command was changed. In
V3R6, the parameter OPTFILE defaulted to the SAVLIB. On V3R7, this
parameter needed to be explicitly specified. IBM PTF SP36296 made the
Restore Objects OS/400 command work the same as in V3R6.
Version 5.04.1 of ETU 400 RISC accommodates either V3R6 or V3R7, so that
the PTF is not required. This makes the installation much easier.