ETU400 User Guide 011603
Inventory Checklist
In addition to this manual, the following items are included in your ETU
9 One of the following sets of storage media containing the ETU
software: six 5.25-inch diskettes' one reel-to-reel tape, one tape
cartridge, or one CDROM.
If this item is missing, contact NLynx Customer Service at 888-NLynx67
from 8:30 to 5:30 Central Standard Time.
Security Considerations
When you first receive ETU, there are some functions that can only be
performed by the system security officer (QSECOFR). The security level
associated with each function may be changed to allow more users access
to, or to limit the number of user for a particular ETU function.
Table 1-1 lists the ETU functions and the security required to use them.
For more information about security with ETU, see Appendix A, Inside ETU.
NOTE: If a user profile contains special authority (SPCAUT) value
*ALLOBJ, all users with that profile automatically have access to the ETU
power commands on the ETU Main menu. To revoke the power commands from
this user profile, you must change the user profile, removing *ALLOBJ
from SPCAUT value.
Systems with security level of 10 or 20 will automatically have *ALLOBJ