ETU400 User Guide 011603
Parameter description Parameter name Parameter values
Output Queue OUTQ output queue name
Library name *LIBL
library name
Translation table name TRANSFILE TRANSLATE
table file name
Library name *LIBL
library name
Translation table member
member name
The PRTFROM3X command allows you to transfer a print file from the host
to a micro. This command is interactive only. It displays a list of items
in a host print output queue to be reformatted for printing on the micro.
Mac Users: Do not use this procedure. It is intended for use only with
OUTQ The qualified print output queue. This option displays a
print queue screen. On this screen, enter 1 or 2 next to the
print item(s) to be copied for use on the micro.
1=Copyprt Performs the AS/400 command CPYSPLF, translates
the file for the micro, and stores it in the AS/400 file
which you specify on the TRANSLATE prompt screen (see Figure
10-1 on the following page). You will then transfer the file
to the micro using the FROM3XB command.
2=Copyprt & Transfer Performs the AS/400 command CPYSPLF,
translates the file for the micro, and displays a FROM3XB
prompt (see Figure 10-2) for the transfer of the translated
work file from the AS/400.
NOTE: You must specify TRANSLATE (*NO) in the FROM3XB command. This is
because the PRTFROM3X command performs the translation.
NOTE: If the OUTQ that you specify has a lot of files in it, the
command takes more time to process.
Library The name of the library containing the OUTQ. *LIBL is
TRANSFILE The qualified file name of the translation table file to be
used. The default is TRANSLATE.
Library The name of the library containing the TRANSFILE. *LIBL
is valid.
TRANSMBR The TRANSFILE member name. The default name is ETOA1, an
EBCDIC-to-ASCII table supplied with ETU.