ETU400 User Guide 011603
Removing ETU From the AS/400
ETU includes a utility that makes it easy to remove the ETU software from
your host system. (You may need to remove ETU from your system if, in the
future, you upgrade to a new version of ETU.) This utility, called
RMVETU, removes all the ETU objects from the library in which you loaded
ETU, and leaves intact all non-ETU objects in that library.
NOTE: It is critical that you backup your ETU library prior to running
this command, in the event that any user data located in this library is
inadvertently removed.
To remove ETU from your AS/400, follow the steps below:
1. Sign on to the AS/400 as QSECOFR.
2. Enter the RMVETU command on the AS/400 command line and prompt (press
The RMVETU prompt screen displays.
3. Enter the name of the AS/400 library containing the ETU programs.
4. Press ENTER.
The ETU objects stored in the specified library are deleted.