ETU400 User Guide 011603
PGMTO3XB Command
Parameter description Parameter name Parameter values
Qualified file name QFNAME micro file name
Program PGM host program name
Library name *LIBL
library name
Display status message? DSPSTSMSG *YES or *NO
The PGMTO3XB command transfers a host executable program from a file
residing on the micro. Do not use this command for transferring program
source code. Transfer source code with the FROM3XB, PWRFROM3XB, TO3XB, or
PWRTO3XB command.
NOTE: To use this command, you must be signed on as a security
officer, or be authorized to execute the program QSCMATPG.
QFNAME1 The name of the micro file to contain the AS/400 program. For
additional information, see About Microcomputer Files, in
Chapter 3.
PGM The qualified name of the AS/400 executable program to
be transferred to the micro.
Library The library containing the program. The default is
DSPSTSMSG Displays program status messages during the execution of the
command. The default is *YES. To turn the messages off, enter