ETU400 User Guide 011603
PRNTTOPC Procedure
ETU36 PRNTTOPC, function spool name , xlat file , qualifier file size
TRANSLATE, AS/400 label xlat file date file size
ETOA1 1000
from window , to window , workstation file name
1 132
The PRNTTOPC procedure translates and transfers print spool reports from
the AS/400 to the workstation.
Mac Users: Do not run this procedure. It is intended for use only with
procedure has possible values of COPYPRT or TRANSLATE. Selecting
COPYPRT indicates that the SSP COPYPRT procedure will
be executed and that the print report(s) will be
extracted from the AS/400 print spool prior to
translation into a workstation print format. Selecting
TRANSLATE specifies that an existing COPYPRT file will
be translated into the workstation print format.
spool name is the spool name (id) of the print report(s) on the
AS/400 print spool. Valid entries are the spool id (in
the form SPxxxx), the forms type to be extracted (in
the form Fxxxx), or ALL to extract all inactive print
spool items. Examine the COPYPRT procedure in the
manual System Reference for the AS/400 Environment for
more information on these entries.
AS/400 label is the label (name) of the AS/400 “COPYPRT”print
file existing on the AS/400 disk that is to be
translated into the workstation print format.
xlat file (optional) is the translation table file. Translation
file member ETOA1 is provided on the AS/400
distribution media and is used to translate from the
ASCII to the EBCDIC character set. See the EDITABLE and
COMPILE procedures for more information on creating new
translation table files. The default is ETOA1.
qualifier (optional) is the action to be taken regarding the
copied AS/400 spool items after the print reports have
been copied. RELEASE specifies that the copied print
reports are released for printing and will print at the
next opportunity. CANCEL specifies that the copied
print spool items are no longer needed and are to be
deleted from the print spool. If omitted, no action
will be taken on the spool item.
date (optional) is the date of the AS/400 COPYPRT file
“AS/400 label” (YMD format).