
Hard disk drives will be formatted, and one of the normal recording area, event recording area or pre-event recording area will be
assigned to each drive. It is necessary to format a hard disk drive on either of the following conditions.
• Whenanharddiskdriveinstalledintherecorderisremovedoradded
• Whenanoptionalextensionunitisconnectedandusedforthefirsttime
• Whentheharddiskdriveisformatted,alltherecordedimageswillbedeleted.
• Inthesinglemode,thecapacityofeachharddiskdriveisconfiguredandformatted.IntheRAID5/RAID6mode,thecapaci-
ty of each hard disk drive is configured and formatted by the unit.
• Harddiskdrivesthathavealreadybeeninstalledorunformatteddrivesthatarenewlyinstalledwillautomaticallybeformatted
as the normal recording area when they are recognized.
• Itisimpossibletoassigntwoormorerecordingareastoaharddiskdrive.
Step 1
Select the [Format] button on the disk configuration page.
The [Format] tab will be displayed.
Step 2
Select the recording area to be assigned to each hard disk
drive (to each unit in the RAID 5/RAID 6 mode).
Normal: Assigned to the normal recording area
Event: Assigned to the event recording area
–: Not formatted
Step 3
Select the [Format] button after setting the recording areas
for the hard disk drives.
The confirmation window will be displayed.