Format the pre-event recording area
Configure the following settings relating to the pre-event recording area.
• Assignthecapacityofpre-eventrecordingareatoeachcamerachannels.
• Formataharddiskdrivesetforanotherrecordingareaagaintosetforthepre-eventrecordingarea.
• Formataharddiskdrivetoaddacamerachannelnotassignedtotheexistingpre-eventrecordingarea.
• Beforeformattingtheharddiskdrivetosetforapre-eventrecordingarea,configurethesettingforthepre-eventduration
(+ page 80) for the camera channel to be assigned to the pre-event recording area.
Step 1
Select the [Format] button on the disk configuration page.
→ The [Format] tab will be displayed. (+ Page 129)
Step 2
Select the [Pre-event area] tab.
Step 3
Select the method of how to set the pre-event recording
area, and then select the [Set] button.
Create a new pre-event recording area: A hard disk drive
will be newly set for the pre-event recording area.
area and determine its capacity: A camera channel
will be newly assigned to the existing pre-event record-
ing area.