Select this button to display the "Quick" page (+ page
63). The minimum settings required to operate the
recorder such as the time & date, language, recording
schedule, etc. can be configured on the "Quick" page.
Select this button to display the "Basic" page (+ page
65). The basic settings relating to the system such as
time & date, recording actions and audio and the set-
tings relating to the emergency recording can be config-
ured on the "Basic setup" page.
Select this button to display the "Event" page (+ page
71). The settings relating to the event actions to be taken
at an event occurrence, the VMD areas and the alarm
notification can be configured on the "Event" page.
Select this button to display the "Schedule" page
(+ page 79). The settings for the recording schedules
and event actions are performed by designating a day of
the week and time.
Select this button to display the "Display" page
(+ page 83). The settings relating to the display of
Monitor 1, Monitor 2 and a PC monitor and the setting
relating to the camera channels to be displayed on the
multi screen, and the settings relating to the sequential
display can be configured on the "Display" page.
Select this button to display the "Communication" page
(+ page 92). The settings relating to the communication
with other devices such as the communication method
to control cameras, the PS·Data and the RS485 com-
munication, etc. can be configured on the
"Communication" page.
Select this button to display the "Server" page
(+ page 95). The settings relating to the network time &
date, FTP server and notification by e-mail can be con-
figured on the "Serve" page.
Select this button to display the "Network" page
(+ page 99). The network settings of the recorder and
the settings relating to DNS, DDNS, SNMP, FTP,
Panasonic alarm protocol and live image transmission
can be configured on the "Network" page.
Select this button to display the "User mng." (User man-
agement) page (+ page 106). The settings relating to
the authentication such as users' and PCs' restrictions
for accessing the recorder and the operation levels can
be configured on the "User mng." page.
* It is impossible to configure the settings from the
web browser.
Select this button to display the "SD5Link" page
(+ page 113). The settings relating to the VMD areas,
detection mode and detection sensitivity level, etc. for
SD5 cameras can be configured on the "SD5Link" page.
About Setup menu