
Configuration of each setting item in the setup menu should be completed in advance to use this recorder.
The operations in the setup menu are performed with either of the following:
• DisplayingthesetupmenuonMonitor2byusingbuttonsonthefrontcoveroramouseconnectedtotherecorder
• DisplayingthesetupmenuonthewebbrowserofaPCmonitor(whencontrollingtherecorderviaanetwork
When operating the recorder using the web browser, the setup menu will be displayed by clicking the [Setup] button on the oper-
ation window.
The operation window displayed on the web browser is same as that displayed on Monitor 2.
(However, it is impossible to configure the settings of the "SD5Link" page from the web browser.)
Setup menu
The following are the descriptions of how to operate the setup menu by using the buttons on the front cover.
When operating the recorder using the web browser, click the buttons or tabs related to the desired operation on the PC monitor.
After completing the settings on each page, click the [Set] button below the setting items.