Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
228 Polycom, Inc.
The Device Details dialog box for the selected MCU appears.
Field Description
System Name The name of the MCU.
• MCU names must be unique.
• The name must be in ASCII only and may have an
unlimited number of characters. Spaces, dashes,
and underscores are valid.
• When retrieved from the MCU, the name is taken
from the H.323 ID if the MCU registered with the
gatekeeper and it is a third-party system. In other
cases, it is the system name, which might be
different than the H.323 ID.
Device Type The type of MCU. For valid types, see “Network Device
Types” on page 221.
IP Address The assigned IP address of the MCU
Site The network site for the MCU. By default, MCUs are
added to the Primary Site.
Product ID
Description A free-form text field (Extended ASCII only) in which
information about the MCU can be added
Serial Number The serial number (ASCII only) of the MCU.The MCU
provides the serial number if it registered successfully or
is managed.
Software Version The version of the software installed on the MCU (ASCII
only). The MCU provides the version number if it
registered successfully or is managed.
HTTP URL (RMX MCUs only) The management URL for the
endpoint, if available (ASCII only). This URL allows the
CMA system to start the endpoint ‘s management
system using the Manage function.
All Polycom endpoints allow device management
through a browser. For these endpoints, this field is
completed when the endpoint registers with the CMA
For third-party endpoints that do not register using an IP
address, you must enter the URL.
HTTP Port (RMX MCUs only) The HTTP port number for the MCU
communications. The MCU provides the port number if it
registered successfully and is managed.
By default, in non-secure (HTTP) mode, the RMX uses
port 80 and in secure (HTTPS) mode, the RMX uses port