User Management Operations
Polycom, Inc. 267
To delete a user
1 Go to User > Users and in the Search Users field, enter the name of the
user of interest.
2 To search for a local user, press Enter.
3 To search both local and enterprise users, first clear the Local Users Only
check box and then press Enter.
4 If the list is too large to scan, further refine your search string.
5 Select the user of interest and click Delete.
6 Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The user is deleted from the CMA system.
Unlock a User Account
When a local user reaches the Failed login threshold, the system will not allow
the user to log in until an administrator unlocks the user’s account. When a
user’s account is locked, the system will display an error message.
To unlock a user account
1 Go to User > Users and in the Search Users field, enter the name of the
user of interest and press Enter.
2 Select the user of interest and click Edit.
3 Enable the Unlock User option and click OK.
The system should allow the user to log in.
Searches for a user are case-insensitive, prefix searches of the Username, First
Name, and Last Name fields.
If you are not in an enterprise domain, you will not have the option of searching for
enterprise users.