
Management & Security Operations
Polycom, Inc. 451
3 In the Certificate Information dialog box, enter the identifying
information for your CMA system and click OK.
A File Download dialog box appears.
4 In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
5 In the Save As dialog box, enter a unique name for the file, browse to the
location to which to save the file, and click Save.
6 Submit the file (or text within the file) as required by your certificate
When your certificate authority has processed your request, it sends you
a signed digital certificate for your CMA system. Some certificate
authorities send only the signed digital certificate while others send all of
the certificates that form the chain of trust (including intermediate and/or
root CA certificates). These certificates may arrive as e-mail text, e-mail
attachments, or be available on a secure web page.
Install a Certificate
This procedure describes how to install a certificate or certificate chain
provided by a certificate authority. It assumes that you’ve received the
certificate or certificate chain in one of the formats accepted by the CMA
system. See “Certificates Accepted by the Polycom CMA System” on page 446.
Field Description
Country Name Two-letter (ASCII only) ISO 3166 country code in
which the server is located.
State or Province
Full state or province name (ASCII only) in which the
server is located.
Locality Name City name (ASCII only) in which the server is located.
Organization Name Enterprise name (ASCII only) at which the server is
Organizational Unit
Subdivision (ASCII only) of the enterprise at which
the server is located. Optional. Multiple values are
permitted, one per line.
Common Name (CN) The host name of the system (read-only), as defined
in the network settings.
IPv4 Address The IPv4 address of the system (read-only), as
defined in the network settings.
IPv6 Address When applicable, the IPv6 address of the system, as
defined in the network settings.
Email Address E-mail address (ASCII only) for a contact at the