Polycom CMA System Setup Overview
Polycom, Inc. 385
key into the system, it overwrites the Default Trial key.
When applied to the system, an expansion license pack augments the device
license count. For example, applying a 1000-device expansion license pack to
a baseline CMA 5000 system will yield a total license count of 1500 concurrent
Where applicable, the number of concurrent calls supported by a CMA system
is derived from the number of device licenses at a 3/10 ratio (calls/devices).
For example, a system licensed for 5000 devices supports up to 1500
concurrent calls in routed mode and 3000 calls in direct mode.
Device licenses are consumed based on a 1:1 basis for any managed device
(endpoints, MCU, GK, GW— including personal endpoints, IP blades, and
more) that can be added to the system by any means, including the user
interface, registration for management services, or registration for Global
Address Book services.
The CMA system has the following licensing packages:
• Base system license
• Base system license with Microsoft Outlook
• Base system license with IBM Lotus Notes
• Base system license with Microsoft Outlook and IBM Lotus Notes
• Redundant system licenses (primary and redundant licenses)
• Redundant system licenses with Microsoft Outlook
• Redundant system licenses with IBM Lotus Notes
• Redundant system licenses with Microsoft Outlook and IBM Lotus Notes
Licensing for the Polycom CMA Desktop client is included with the CMA
system. When a Polycom CMA Desktop client is provisioned by the CMA
system, it automatically consumes a license. That license is then reserved for
that Polycom CMA Desktop client. However, you can configure the CMA
system to automatically release a Polycom CMA Desktop client license after a
set number of days of inactivity.
Licenses consumed by registered hardware devices are never automatically
released. To release a license from a registered hardware device, an
administrator must manually delete the device from the system.
Device licenses are consumed by managed devices, not by users. You may add
any number of local or enterprise users to the CMA system.