
Dial Plan Setup Operations
Polycom, Inc. 505
Within the CMA system, an E.164 alias provided in a Dial String Reservation
has a higher priority than a generated E.164 alias.
A single user with multiple endpoints may be assigned a unique E.164 alias
per endpoint.
E.164 Numbering Scheme Default Settings
The E.164 numbering scheme functionality consists of three main parts: prefix,
base field, and suffix. The entire E.164 numeric string has a 15-digit maximum.
E.164 Numbering Scheme Explained
To give you an idea of how an E.164 numbering scheme would appear, see
example below. Please note that the example is based on sample default values
provided in the table above.
H.323 must be enabled on an endpoint and the it must be registered with the
Gatekeeper, prior to the CMA system’s application of the E.164 numbering
scheme.H.323 can be enabled on an endpoint through the CMA system’s site
provisioning functionality.
See “Add a Site” on page 461.
Prefix Base Field Suffix
Based on Device Type
Choosing this selection
will automatically
associate a unique
two-digit identifier to each
endpoint type. See the
“Based on Device Type
Settings” section.
Specify Number Range
The number range has
been preset to 1000 and
When a numeric range
runs out of numbers, the
number generation
operation will fail.
No Suffix
A suffix will not be
assigned to the Default
E.164 Numbering
Scheme (Aliias).
The number below is only
an example of a Prefix
The number below is only
an example of a Base
Field assignment.
The lack of a number
below, is only an example
of a No Suffix
44 (sample value) 1009 (sample value) (blank sample value)