Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
344 Polycom, Inc.
View the Rooms List
To view the Rooms list
Go to Admin > Rooms.
The Rooms list appears. It can be filtered by Site.
Add a Local Room
When you add a local room to a CMA system, you specify settings for it and
associate one or more endpoints with it.
To add a local room
1 Go to Admin > Rooms.
2 On the Rooms page, click Add .
The Add New Room dialog box appears.
3 If you are logged into a domain other than the Local domain, click
Manually Define.
4 Complete the General Info and Associated Devices sections of the Add
New Room dialog box. The following table shows the room information
in the CMA system records.
Column Description
Room Name The unique and required name of the room.
Description The optional description of the room.
Site The location of the room as identified in the site
The primary endpoint associated with this room. A set of
ellipses (...) indicates the room has more than one
associated endpoint.
Field Description
General Info
Room Name The name of the room, which appears in the address
book for associated endpoints.
Description (Optional) A useful description (ASCII only) of the room.