Room Overview and Operations
Polycom, Inc. 345
5 In the Dial String Reservations section, select the user’s Device and enter
the appropriate dial strings for SIP URI, E164, and H323 ID, then click
The dial strings appear in the list below.
If the user has multiple endpoints, enter the dial strings for one endpoint
type at a time and click Apply each time.
6 Click OK.
The room is added to the CMA system. Note that the system does not
distinguish between enterprise rooms and local rooms once they’ve been
added to the system.
Add an Enterprise Room
If your CMA system is integrated with an enterprise directory, you can add a
room from the enterprise directory to the CMA system.
To add an enterprise room
1 Go to Admin > Rooms.
2 On the Rooms list, click Add Room .
The Add New Room dialog box appears.
Site The site in which the room is located.
Rooms and the endpoint associated with them must be
assigned to the same site.
Email (Optional) The E-mail address of the room administrator.
Associated Endpoints
The list of unassigned endpoints that are managed by the
CMA system.
The list of endpoints assigned to the room. The endpoint
at the top of the list is the primary endpoint. You can
change the order of endpoint priority by selecting an
endpoint and clicking Move Up or Move Down.
Field Description