
User Management Operations
Polycom, Inc. 275
Manage System Guest Book
This section includes some general information you should know about the
Conference menu and views. It includes these topics:
User Menu and Guest Book
Context-Sensitive Guest Book Actions
Add a Guest to the System Guest Book
Edit a Guest in the System Guest Book
Delete a Guest from the System Guest Book
User Menu and Guest Book
By default, schedulers, operator, and administrators have access to the User
Menu and Guest Book.
The Guest Book is a local system directory that includes guest participants
who were either:
Explicitly added to the Guest Book.
Saved to the Guest Book while being added as conference participants.
They are referred to as static entries because they are not imported through the
dynamically updated enterprise directory or included in the system Global
Address Book. The Guest Book is limited to 500 entries. The Guest Book has
these fields.
Field Description
Name The guest’s first and last name.
Email The guest’s E-mail address. The system validates the
E-mail structure only.
Location The location of the guest’s endpoint system. This is a
free-form entry field that the system does not validate.
Number (Optional) The ISDN phone number for the user. This
number is constructed from the Country code + Area/City
code + phone number or entered as the modified dial
Join Mode Indicates whether the guest will use an audio endpoint or
video endpoint to join conferences.
Dial Options Indicates whether the guest will dial into conferences or that
the system should dial out to the guest.
Dial Type Indicates whether the guest has an H.323 (IP), SIP (IP), or
H.320 (ISDN) endpoint.