Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
298 Polycom, Inc.
ComponentLog_GAB.txt .NET remoting log file that shows
low-level communication errors from the
GAB communications with endpoints.
.txt Log files for web services, device
manager, and conference monitoring.
This file includes information about
successful and failed system logins and
all logouts, as well as system errors,
major system events, and general system
Log Files Related to Device Management Functionality
AdapterLog_GMS.txt .NET remoting log file that shows
low-level communication errors between
internal system components--in this case,
the management component.
Device.txt Log file that captures device specific
DeviceCollection.txt Log file that captures device specific
PasswdErrs.log Log file that captures device specific
messages related to potential password
DeviceManager.txt Log file for the device management
DeviceManagerService.txt Log file for the device management
softwareUpdate Log file that shows when a endpoint is
updated with a new software package via
a scheduled software update.
Log Files Related to Gatekeeper Functionality
AdapterLog_PN.txt .NET remoting log file that shows
low-level communication errors between
internal system components--in this case,
the gatekeeper component.
PLCMGK.log General gatekeeper log file.
MQM_Log.txt General media quality monitor log file that
will show any errors when writing CDRs
or media quality data to the database.
Log Name Description