
4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
connUnitProduct (
59047-10 D 4-9
Refer to Tabl e 4-4 for connectivity unit return values. Return value will be OK
(3), uninstalled IO or CPU boards are ignored
connUnitProduct (
The sml attribute Config.Snmp.SysDescr. This is the system description shown on
the 'show version' Telnet screen. It can also be read on the 'show setup snmp'
screen and written using the 'set setup snmp' Telnet screen.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..79))
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value Returns the switch SystemDescription: QLogic 5200 = SANbox 5200 FC
Switch, QLogic 5202 = SANbox 5602 FC Switch, QLogic 5600 = SANbox
5600 FC Switch, QLogic 5602 = SANbox 5602 FC Switch, QLogic 9100 =
SANbox 9100 FC Switch, QLogic 9200 = SANbox 9200 FC Switch.
connUnitSn (
The serial number for this connectivity unit.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..79))
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value The chassis serial number.
Table 4-4. QLogic 9000 Series Connectivity Unit Return Values
Status Return Value
If either FAN or PS boards are not installed warning (4)
If all FANs or all PS boards are not
failed (5)
If installed board's faultList is not NONE warning (4)