
5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
fcFeFabricName (
59047-10 D 5-3
fcFeFabricName (
The Name_Identifier of the Fabric to which this Fabric Element belongs.
Syntax FcNameId
Access read-write
Status Current
Return Value The World Wide Name of the principal switch. For example, 10 00 00 C0 DD
00 71 C2. Writes are not supported.
fcFeElementName (
The Name_Identifier of the Fabric Element.
Syntax FcNameId
Access read-write
Status Current
Return Value The World Wide Name of the switch. For example, 10 00 00 C0 DD 00 71
C9. Writes are not supported.
fcFeModuleCapacity (
The maximum number of modules in the Fabric Element, regardless of their
current state.
Syntax FcFeModuleCapacity
Access read-only
Status Current
Return Value The total number of switches in the fabric if ProxyEnable setting is Enabled
on the out-of-band switch. If ProxyEnable setting is disabled on the
out-of-band switch, return value = 1.