5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
The Error Group
59047-10 D 5-21
The Error Group
The objects described in this section are in table format indexed by switch index
and port index. An example of how to access one of these objects is: "snmpget
localhost public fcFxPortLinkFailures.1.1". This group consists of tables that
contain information about the various types of errors detected. The management
station may use the information in this group to determine the quality of the link
between the FxPort and its attached NxPort.
The FxPort Error table contains, one entry for each FxPort in the Fabric Element,
counters recording numbers of errors detected since the management agent
re-initialized. The first 6 columnar objects after the port index corresponds to the
counters in the Link Error Status Block.
fcFxPortLinkFailures (
The number of link failures detected by this FxPort.
Syntax Counter32
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value The total number of LinkFailures encountered for a port.
fcFxPortSyncLosses (
The number of loss of synchronizations detected by the FxPort.
Syntax Counter32
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value The total number of LossOfSyncs encountered for a port.