
5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
fcFxPortPhysOperStatus (
59047-10 D 5-15
fcFxPortPhysOperStatus (
The current operational status of the FxPort. The testing(3) indicates that no
operational frames can be passed. If fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus is offline(2), then
fcFxPortPhysOperStatus should be offline(2). If fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus is
changed to online(1), then fcFxPortPhysOperStatus should change to online(1). If
the FxPort is ready to accept Fabric Login request from the attached NxPort, it
should proceed and remain in the link- failure(4) state if, and only if, there is a fault
that prevents it from going to the online(1) state.
Syntax INTEGER {
online(1), - Login may proceed
offline(2), - Login cannot proceed
testing(3), - port is under test
linkFailure(4) - failure after online/testing
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Refer to Tab le 5-6 for fcFxPortPhysOperStatus return values.
Table 5-5. fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus Write Values
Port Value
Online online (1)
Offline offline (2)
Diagnostics testing (3)
Table 5-6. fcFxPortPHysOperStatus Return Values
Status Return Value
Online online (1)
Offline offline (2)
Diagnostic testing (3)
Down linkfailure (4)