
4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
Revision Table
4-20 59047-10 D
Revision Table
The objects described in this section are in a table format indexed by World Wide
Name and Index. The Table of revisions for hardware and software elements.
There are four revision items in each switch. An example of how to access one of
these objects given a WWN of 100000c0dd0090a7 is:
"snmpget localhost public
The number of entries in this table will be variable depending on which platform is
being examined and the number of blades installed. SNMP first reports the
firmware revision and flasher shell version. It then iterates through each of the
installed blades reporting the PCB revision and ASIC version.
connUnitRevsUnitId (
The connUnitId of the connectivity unit that contains this revision table.
Syntax FcGlobalId
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value Returns the World Wide Name of the switch followed by 8 bytes of zeros.
For example: 10 00 00 C0 DD 00 71 C9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.
connUnitRevsIndex (
A unique value among all connUnitRevsEntrys with the same value of
connUnitRevsUnitId, in the range between 1 and
Syntax INTEGER (1..2147483647)
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value The revision table index.