4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
connUnitPortStatCountInputBuffersFull (
59047-10 D 4-65
connUnitPortStatCountInputBuffersFull (
Count of occurrences when all input buffers of a port were full and outbound
buffer-to-buffer credit transitioned to zero. There is no credit to provide to other
side. This is a Fibre Channel statistic only.
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value Unsupported. Always returns high order bit to 1 with all other bits set to zero.
connUnitPortStatCountFBSYFrames (
Count of times that FBSY was returned to this port as a result of a frame that
could not be delivered to the other end of the link. This occurs if either the fabric or
the destination port is temporarily busy. Port can only occur on SOFc1 frames (the
frames that establish a connection). This is a Fibre Channel-only statistic. This is
the sum of all classes. If you cannot keep the by-class counters, then keep the
sum counters.
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value A hexidecimal number indicating the total number of FBusy on a port.