
5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
fcFxPortCosSuppAgreed (
5-18 59047-10 D
fcFxPortCosSuppAgreed (
A variable indicating that the attached NxPort has requested the FxPort for the
support of classes of services and the FxPort has granted the request.
Syntax FcCosCap
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value The bits have the following bit-mapped definition:
Bit 7 Class-six
Bit 6 Class-five
Bit 5 Class-four
Bit 4 Class-three
Bit 3 Class-two
Bit 2 Class-one
Bit 1 Class F
For example: If Class 3, return value 0x10.
fcFxPortIntermixSuppAgreed (
A variable indicating that the attached NxPort has requested the FxPort for the
support of Intermix and the FxPort has granted the request. This flag is only valid
if Class 1 service is supported.
Syntax TruthValue
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Always returns false (2).