4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
connUnitPortModuleType (
59047-10 D 4-35
connUnitPortModuleType (
The module type of the port connector.
Syntax INTEGER {
embedded(4), - fixed (oneXnine)
smallFormFactor(9) - this is generically a small form factor connector.
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value Refer to Tab le 4-23 for connUnitPortModuleType return values.
connUnitPortWwn (
The World Wide Name of the port, if applicable, otherwise returns all zeros.
Syntax FcGlobalId
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value Returns the Port World Wide Name followed by 8 bytes of zeros. For
example, the return value for port #2 would be 20 02 00 C0 DD 00 71 C9 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00, and the return value for port #2 would be 20 0E 00 C0
DD 00 71 C9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. If a port is configured as a Donor,
return value = 0.
Table 4-23. ConnUnitPortModuleType Return Values
Type Value
1 Gb/2Gb Ports smallFormFactor(9)
10 Gb Ports Other (2)