5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
fcFxPortFcphVersionLow (
5-8 59047-10 D
fcFxPortFcphVersionLow (
The lowest or earliest version of FC-PH that the FxPort is configured to support.
Syntax FcphVersion
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Always returns 9.
fcFxPortBbCredit (
The total number of receive buffers available for holding Class 1 connect-request,
Class 2, or Class3 frames from the attached NxPort. It is for buffer-to-buffer flow
control in the direction from the attached NxPort (if applicable) to FxPort.
Syntax FcBbCredit
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value The default number of receive buffers for each port, unless extended credits
are used. QLogic 5200/5600 Series = 16
fcFxPortRxBufSize (
The largest Data_Field Size (in octets) for an FT_1 frame that can be received by
the FxPort.
Syntax FcRxDataFieldSize
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Always returns 2112 (0x840).