SCSI Commands
Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System 5-61
LOG SENSE Command (4Dh) (continued)
Table 5–31 Log Parameters for Device Wellness LOG SENSE Page Field Descriptions
Field Name Description
Parameter Codes 0000h through 000Fh are supported. This provides 16 log entries for
error information capture.
DU Disable Update. Always 0.
DS Disable Save. Not supported. This bit always set to 1.
TSD Target Save Disable. Not supported. This bit always set to 0.
ETC Enable Threshold Comparison. Threshold checking is not supported on this page.
Always set to 0.
TMC Threshold Met Criteria. Always 0.
LP List Parameter. Always set to 0.
Power-on hours when CHECK CONDITION occurred (note that this is the number of
power-on hours of the total number of hours during the lifetime of the drive).
The time stamp counter is updated once per hour; if the tape drive is powered down
before the hourly update occurs, the update will not occur until a full hour after
power is re-applied.
Media ID Internal media identifier being used when check condition occurred. 0 = no media or
unknown media when event occurred. Note that this is not an applicable means of
tracing media.