General Description and Specifications
Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System 1-13
1.3.15 Radiated Emissions
Limits of radiated interference field strength, in the frequency range from 30
MHz to 30 GHz at a test distance of 3 and 10 meters, for Class B equipment are
listed in the following table.
Table 1-16 Radiated Emissions
Frequency Range Quasi-peak limits dB (µV/m)
Quasi-peak Average
30 to 230 MHz 30 40
230 to 1000 MHz 37 46
Above 1000 MHz N/A 54
* The limit decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.
1.3.16 Susceptibility
The following table lists radiated, magnetic radiated, and conducted
susceptibility for the tape drive.
Table 1-17 Radiated, Magnetic Radiated, and Conducted Susceptibility
Radiated - High Frequency, Electric Fields, 1 to 1000 MHz
3 V/m (rms) 80% modulated 1 kHz No errors, no screen distortion
S/W recoverable errors No
hardware failure
Magnetic Radiated - Low Frequency, Magnetic Fields, 10 to 3000 kHz
100 dB (pt) @ 10 kHz declining to 80 dB (pt) @
1 Mhz
No errors, no screen distortion
Conducted (The transient voltage is the actual peak voltage above the normal ac voltage
from the power source. The maximum energy in a single pulse from the transient
generator must be limited to 2.5 W)
Fast Transient (Bursts) for
Power and Data Cables
2 kV S/W recoverable errors No
hardware failures
High Energy Transient
Voltage for Power Cables
1.2 kV
2.5 kV
No errors
S/W recoverable errors No
hardware failure
Low-Level Conducted
3 V (rms) 80%
modulated 1 kHz
No errors S/W
recoverable errors No
hardware failure