SCSI Commands
Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System 5-157
The REWIND command directs the tape drive to position the tape at the beginning of
the currently active partition (for DLT drives, this is BOM). Before rewinding, the tape
drive writes any write data that is in the buffer to the tape medium and appends an
End of Data marker.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (01h)
1 Logical Unit Number Reserved Immed
2 - 4 Reserved
5 Unused Reserved Flag Link
Figure 5–75 REWIND Command Descriptor Block - Data Format
Table 5–74 REWIND Command Data - Field Descriptions
Field Name Description
Immed Immediate. If this bit is set to 1, the tape drive first writes any remaining
buffered data to tape medium and adds an EOD marker. It then returns status
to the host before beginning the actual rewind operation. If this bit is 0,
status will be sent after the rewind has completed.