General Description and Specifications
1-10 Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System
1.3.9 Acoustic Noise Emissions
The following tables provide the tape drive’s acoustic noise emission levels, both
as noise power and sound pressure. Information about acoustic emissions is also
provided in German to fulfill an international requirement.
Table 1−10 Acoustic Noise Emissions, Nominal
Acoustics – Preliminary declared values per ISO9296 and ISO 7779/EN27779
Noise Power Emission Level Sound Pressure Level
(LNPEc) (LPAc)
Product Idle Streaming Idle Streaming
Integratible Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Tabletop 4.6 B 5.1 B 30.0 dB 41.0 dB
Table 1−11 Acoustic Noise Emissions for German Noise Declaration Law
Schallemissionswerte - Werteangaben nach ISO 9296 und ISO 7779/DIN EN27779:
Schalleistungspegel Schalldruckpegel
LwAd, B LpAm, dBA (Zuschauerpositionen)
Gerät Leerlauf Betrieb Leerlauf Betrieb
Integratible 5,5 B 45 dB
Tabletop 5,2 B 5,3 B 39 dB 40 dB
1.3.10 Tape System Recording Type
The tape system uses the 2 - 7 RLL encoding method with DLT 2000, DLT
2000xt, DLT 4000, or DLT 7000 format; MFM with 2.6 GB / 6.0 GB format.