Appendix B: EEPROM-Resident Bugcheck and Event Logs
B-4 Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System
B.2.3 Directory Failure Event Log Packets
Directory failure event logs are written when a directory read or directory write
request fails for any reason. Table B-3 provides the description of important
fields within the packet. Note that the byte count begins at Byte 13, the location
of the 1st event log byte within the event log packet.
Table B–3 Directory Failure Event Package – Field Descriptions
Field Description
Saved Overwrites /
Rereads / Rewrites
These fields serve as temporary counters and have no use in
interpreting the directory failure packets.
Directory Called Mode A code that specifies the original reason for the directory call.
A value of 1 indicates a directory READ (on LOAD).
A value of 2 indicates a directory WRITE (on UNLOAD).
A value of 3 indicates a directory WRITE (on WRITE from BOT).
Tape Format Called /
These fields contain the TMSCP values for the tape format both prior
to and after the directory operation.
Flags A bit-mapped field that provides additional status information.
Bit Mask Meaning
0x01h READ on LOAD operation complete
0x02h Inhibit further WRITE operations unless WRITE from BOT
0x04h LBN 0 was found intact
0x08h Directory WRITE failed
0x10h Tape format mismatch
0x20h Event log generated
0x40h Tape format unknown
0x80h Reserved