General Description and Specifications
Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System 1-7
Table 1−7 DLT 7000 Non-Operating Shock and Vibration Specifications
Shock (Unpackaged)
Pulse Shape: Square wave ½ sine pulse
Peak Acceleration: 40 G (180 in/sec
velocity changing)
140 G
Duration: 10 ms 2 ms
Application: X,Y,Z axes, twice in each axis (once in each direction)
Shock (Unpackaged, Overstress)
Test Type: Bench handling; pivot drop
Description: Pivot edge to a height of 4 inches above table and release
Application: Four shocks total; once each edge
Shock (Packaged, Repetitive)
Excitation Type: Synchronous vertical motion; 1 inch excursion
Shock (bounce) cycles: 14,200 total
Application: Half cycles each in X and Y orientations; 7100 cycles in the X
orientation, 7100 cycles in the Y orientation.
Shock (Packaged, Drop) Drop: 42 inches (items < 20.0 lbs.) 16 drops total
Vibration (Unpackaged)
Type: Sine Sweep
Frequency Range: 10-500-10 Hz Upward and downward sweep
Acceleration Level: 1 G 10-500-10 Hz
Application: X,Y,Z axes Sweep rate = ½ octave / minute
Type: Random Sweep
Frequency Range: 5-500 Hz Upward and downward sweep
Acceleration Level: 2 G
PSD Envelope 0.008 G
/ Hz
Application: X,Y,Z axes Sweep rate = 60 minutes /axis
Vibration (Packaged)
Type: Random
Frequency Range /Power Spectral Density (PSD):
5 to 300 Hz (Z axis)
5 to 200 Hz (X and Y axes)
Levels: 1.0 G in X, Y, Z axes