
Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System
This Revision History provides a publications record of this manual. It lists the manual’s revision
levels, release dates, and a summary of changes for each release.
Manual Number
- Revision Level
Date of Release Summary of Changes
81-111331-01 March 1, 1996 Original issue
March 18, 1996 PO/ST failure packets description updated in Appendix D.
May 10, 1996 Added tape block size table to Chapter 4.
Added WIDE DATA REQUEST message description and table to
Chapter 5.
Added IGNORE WIDE RESIDUE message description and table to
Chapter 5.
Updated Inquiry Data Field bytes in Chapter 5.
June 21, 1996 Chapter 5: Updated the Vendor Unique section with additional
tables, messages, and commands.
81-60000-01 July 2, 1996 Redrew Figures 3-7 and 3-8. Part Number 81-111331-01
81-60000-02 September 20, 1996 Chapter 3, updated pages 3-12, 3-13
Chapter 5, updated Vendor Unique data and added Product Family
Chapter 5, modified and added data to Table 5-5
Appendix A, updated tables A-1, A-3, A-4, A-5, A-6, A-7, A-8, A-
12, A-14, A-15
Chapter 8, Density Code information updated
Drive Inquiry Response byte 7 corrections added.
81-60000-03 February 10, 1997 Part Number 81-60000-02 deactivated.
Chapter 5, LOG SENSE pages (33h) and (3Eh) added and Table 5-8
and Figure 5-21 modified.
Appendix A, Figure A-2 modified and addition to Table A-1.