SCSI Commands
5-84 Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System
MODE SELECT (6) / (10) Command (15h) / (55h) (continued)
Table 5–44 Device Configuration Page - Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Name Description
DBR Data Buffer Recovery. Not supported, must be 0.
BIS Block Identifiers Supported. This field is supported. Set to 1.
RSmk Report Setmark. Not supported, must be 0.
AVC Automatic Velocity Control. Not supported; must be 0.
SOCF Stop on Consecutive Filemarks. Not supported; must be 0.
RBO Recover Buffer Order. Not supported; must be 0.
REW Report Early Warning. Not supported; must be 0 (do not report Early
Warning EOM on READ).
Gap Size Not used; must be 0.
EOD Defined End-of-Data Defined. This field must be set to 00h.
EEG Enable End-of-Data Generation. Set to 1. This field indicates that the drive
will generate an EOD. The drive generates an EOD mark before any change
of direction following a WRITE-type operation. This bit is ignored, however,
SEW Synchronize at Early Warning. Must be set to 1.
Buffer Size at Early
Not supported; must be 0.
SEW Synchronize at Early Warning. Must be set to 1.
Select Data
When set to 1, enables data compression.
When 0, disables data compression.
The setting on the front panel of the tape drive overrides any setting of
MODE SELECT, but no error will result. If the setting is returned to the
automatic mode on the front panel of the tape drive, the value from the last
MODE SELECT command determines whether compression is enabled or