
SCSI Commands
Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System 5-125
MODE SENSE (6) / (10) Command (1Ah / 5Ah) (continued)
Table 5–59 TapeAlert Page Format Descriptor - Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Name Description
MRIE Method for Reporting Informational Exceptions. The tape drive uses the
contents of this field to report information about exception conditions.
Three methods are available:
No reporting of Informational Exception Conditions. The device
server does not report information exception conditions.
03h Conditionally Generate Recovered Error. The device server reports
informational exception conditions, if such reports of recovered
errors is allowed, by returning CHECK CONDITION status on the
next SCSI command (except INQUIRY and REQUEST SENSE
commands) following detection of the condition. The Sense Key is
set to RECOVERED ERROR with an additional sense code of 5D 00
(TapeAlert Event). The SCSI command with CHECK CONDITION
completes without error prior to the report of any exception
condition, and does not need to be repeated.
06h Only Report Informational Exception Condition on Request. The
device server preserves information exception data. To access the
data, a poll can be taken by issuing an unsolicited REQUEST SENSE
command. The Sense Key is set to NO SENSE with an additional
sense code of 5D 00 (TapeAlert Event).
The additional sense code of 5D 00 for values 03h and 06h signals
that a TapeAlert has occurred. Information about the event is
stored in the TapeAlert Log Page. The setting of MRIE does not
impact logging of events in the TapeAlert Log Page.
Interval Timer Not Supported.
Report Count /
Test Flag
Not Supported.