102 INSERT_SQL= LIBNAME Option Chapter 9
specifies only the database name. Specify the word DATABASE, then a space, then
the database name. Enclose the entire specification in single quotation marks.
The IN= option is relevant only when you are creating a new table. If you omit this
option, the default is to create the table in the default database, implicitly creating a
simple tablespace.
See Also
To apply this option to an individual data set, see the data set option “IN= Data Set
Option” on page 192.
Determines the method that is used to insert rows into a data source
Valid in:
the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
DBMS support: ODBC, OLE DB, Microsoft SQL Server
Default value:
DBMS-specific, see details below
Syntax Description
specifies that SAS/ACCESS uses the data source’s SQL insert method to insert new
rows into a table.
specifies that SAS/ACCESS uses an alternate (DBMS-specific) method to insert new
rows into a table.
Flat file databases (such as dBase, FoxPro, and text files) generally have improved
insert performance when INSERT_SQL=NO, but other databases may have inferior
insert performance (or may fail) with this setting, so you should experiment to
determine the optimal setting for your situation.
ODBC Details: The ODBC default is YES, except for MS Access, which has a default
of NO. When INSERT_SQL=NO, the SQLSetPos (SQL_ADD) function inserts rows in
groups that are the size of the INSERTBUFF= option value. The SQLSetPos
(SQL_ADD) function does not work unless it is supported by your driver.
OLE DB Details: By default, the OLE DB interface attempts to use the most efficient
row insertion method for each data source. You can use the INSERT_SQL option to
override the default in the event that it is not optimal for your situation. The OLE DB