68 LIBNAME Options for Relational Databases Chapter 9
When you use this option, you enter connection information into the fields in the
prompting window rather than on the LIBNAME statement.
You can add the DEFER=NO option to make the prompting window appear at the
time that the libref is assigned rather than when the table is opened:
libname mydblib oracle dbprompt=yes defer=no;
Assigning a Libref to a Remote DBMS
SAS/CONNECT (single-user) and SAS/SHARE (multiple user) software give you
access to data by means of remote library services (RLS). RLS enables you to access
your data on a remote machine as if it were local. For example, it permits a graphical
interface to reside on the local machine while the data remains on the remote machine.
This access is given to data stored in many kinds of SAS files, such as external
databases (through the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement and views created with it)
and SAS data views (views created with PROC SQL, the DATA step, and SAS/ACCESS
software). RLS enables you to access SAS data sets, SAS views, and relational DBMS
data that are defined by SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statements. For more information,
see the discussion about remote library services in the SAS/SHARE User’s Guide.
You can use RLS to update relational DBMS tables that are referenced with the
In the following example, the SAS/SHARE LIBNAME statement makes a connection
to a DB2 database that resides on the remote SAS/SHARE server REMOS390. This
LIBNAME statement is submitted in a local SAS session. The SAS/ACCESS engine
name is specified in the remote option RENGINE=. The DB2 connection option and any
LIBNAME options are specified in the remote option ROPTIONS=. Options are
separated by a blank space. RLSDB2.EMPLOYEES is a SAS data set that references
the DB2 table EMPLOYEES.
libname rlsdb2 rengine=db2 server=remos390
roptions="ssid=db2a authid=testid";
proc print data=rlsdb2.employees;
See Also
“Overview of the LIBNAME Statement for Relational Databases” on page 63
LIBNAME Options for Relational Databases
When you specify an option in the LIBNAME statement, it applies to all objects
(such as tables and views) in the database that the libref represents. For options that
you specify on individual SAS data sets, see the chapter about data set options.
Many LIBNAME options are also available for use with the Pass-Through Facility.
See the section on the Pass-Through Facility in the documentation for your
SAS/ACCESS interface to determine which LIBNAME options are available in the
Pass-Through Facility for your DBMS.
For a list of the LIBNAME options available in your SAS/ACCESS interface, see the
documentation for your SAS/ACCESS interface.